Saturday, July 10, 2010


A little boy in the Covering is in need of desperate medical care here in the U.S. His name is Sawaju and he is 11 yrs old. While we were in Sierra Leone in May we took him to the Doctor and the originally thought it was a tooth problem, then a broken jaw and now have had CT scans done and it is a Riccits Lymphoma (sp) which is a type of bone or soft tissue eating cancer, so a portion of his jaw is deteriating because the cancer is taking over in his jaw.

We have been denied medical coverage thru St. Jude because his records show a shot of Chemo has been given to him which was probably antibiotics. We are FRANTICALLY searching for preferably a pedicatric childrens hospital to treat him. If you have any connects or resources with a doctor please please please message me. I spent most of my day yesterday trying to find a treatment center for this little guy and we havae came up with nothing! Please also pray for Sawaju as this will be a very difficult transition once we are able to bring him to the states for medical care.

This is Sawaju

Thank you and God Bless!!

1 comment:

  1. just linked this post and a little blurb about your t-shirts on my new blog:)

    praying for sawaju...kelli
