Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well I am doing a little happy dance right now! I just mailed our I-600a which is the government paperwork to approve us for the adoption! Yes this is a HUGE milestone for us and Rich and I had a great little date lunch to celebrate this afternoon.

As most of you know Rich will be traveling in September to visit the country of Sierra Leone and aid The Raining Season in projects they have planned. We are still in need of ANY medical providers that would be willing to give up 9 days to help SAVE THE ORPHAN!! Please email me if you know anyone interested.

Also, be watching our blog within the next few weeks we have a new fundraiser in the works and a very special giveaway planned!

Family fun!

This weekend we celebrated our precious Emma's 5th bday. I can't believe my oldest is now 5. Here are some fun pictures from the weekend!


  1. Yay!!! So excited for you!!

    Can't wait to hear more as everything progresses!

    And happy birthday to your daughter! My youngest is turning 7's amazing how time flies, isn't it?!


  2. oh...and love your new look, btw:)

  3. Thanks Kelli!! Trying to revamp the blog a little, learning as I go :)
