Monday, January 24, 2011

My Heart is on a journey!

The TRS team has arrived in SL and is doing some incredible work there, you can follow there amazing journey at

As the team is there this makes our anxiousness to be there with our boys and the incredible people of Sierra Leone grow incredibly stronger. Having a team on the ground is a wonderful thing and I am so glad they get to love on our children and share the amazing love of Jesus, but boy is it hard being here while you heart is there. God has really been teaching me patience on this journey it was November 2009 when we started so a year and 3 months later, that's a long time for someone to wait. But he is always faithful and this journey is DEFINATELY in his timing.

As we "Wait" and prepare for the boys to come home I often find myself daydreaming as I go thru the day what exactly it's going to be like with 4 children in our home, how they are going to adjust, how we are going to adjust to them? Will they love our family as there own, will they miss SL and the amazing people there? As you get further in an adoption process the reality of it all sets in and don't get me wrong with all this I am just clearly stating that we are excited and very anxious to see how God works all the "details" out in the next couple months, and years.

If you would have asked me 2 years ago if we would have ever of imagined being on this journey I would have told you that you were crazy. And now I just smile everytime I think about all the pieces of this amazing puzzle coming together. God is so good! Even though at times I may not understand things, I look back now and it "Clicks" God's picture is forming together for our lives. I find myself singing this song all day "Our God is greater, our god is stronger, God you are higher than any other..." and the song goes on to say and if our God is for us then who could ever stop us...... the words to this song are so powerful. And if our GOD is for us then WHO can ever stand against us!!! Just had to remind myself of this today and I struggle with not being in SL where our heart is. Who is going to stop what God has for us??? NO ONE as long as you allow God to work COMPLETELY in you!!

Okay, that's all of my thoughts for tonight :)

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