Well, we went to Ossah and Quami's (the country director's here) church today. Oh my goodness, I loved it. From the music, speaking, the women's outfits. Oh it was a very neat experience, all except I could have done without the heat :) Well these past couple of days have been really life changing for me. God has shown me soooo much while here. We live such a Blessed life! Seriously, we are the richest people in the world and take it for granite everyday. Being in a 3rd world country will definately change your life forever. We have seen dying children, starving children, one bedroom shacks with no electricity, running water or anything but a mattress on the ground. It truely is amazing how much resources they utilize here. Almost all the people here are entrepueners(sp, sorry its late). They all sell stuff on the side of the roads and make a living 24/7 by doing so. The ladies here all carry heavy loads on there heads!! Crazy but very effective because they will normally have a child on there back as well.
God has shown me alot these past couple of days and I will have many stories to tell when I get home. I think the most compassionate story is on Thursday we went to the Children's hospital. I got to sit with 2 orphaned children who's mothers had abandonded them. One little girl was about Emma's age and has some sensorary issues. She was precious, and her and I had the chance to bond and love one another for about an hour (I will post pics when I get home, my camera is not working right). Her mother abandoned her at the hospital and the nurses have been caring for her. Another little boy that I got to sit and help with was about 3-4 yrs old, he probably only weighed 15 lbs max. He was severely malnourshed and starving. His father adbandoned him in his home. Locked him in a room and the police found him. I sat with him for a while and feed him water and peanut butter and bread. By the end of the food he was starting to act like a child again. At the beginnging of me sitting down next to him he was very weak and unresponsive to you but after his little tummy was full he was trying to talk and pointing at things. It was such a neat experience to be able to provide for this child and be able to use my God given abilities to serve others.
I think everyone should consider going on this trip. God will show you things you never even dreamed of. I will leave Africa with a part of my heart here, it's going to be very hard to say goodbye to Kevin. We have really bonded these past couple of days. All the people here are so kind. I am really going to miss this place.
ReplyDeleteIsn't is amazing how God works!!! It really does change the way you look at things, think about things etc.
So looking forward to following the rest of your journey as I get chances to read!!!
Love ya!