Today we visited a children’s hospital. I really had no idea of what to expect for this trip and really didn’t grasp that the hospitals there were in such bad condition here. We pulled into the hospital compound and gathered around to make our plans. We walked into the children’s unit that was on the lower level and I immediately had to put my sunglasses over my eyes to cover the tears. This was the HARDEST thing I have ever seen before in my entire life and I have witnessed what I thought was so pretty rough stuff. But watching babies, toddlers and children dying from starvation, disease and malnourishment really got to my heart. As most of you know I am in nursing school and eventually will pursue the dream of becoming and OBGYN or midwife to pursue a passion of delivering babies, so the gut retching reality of being in a hospital that was about as sanitary as my toilet bowl was very hard.
We proceeded to explain to the head nurse what we would like to do for them and that we had care packets, she walked us into the main hospital building and we were introduced to the lady in charge. She then told us about a 5-6 yr old girl named Alza that was abandoned by her mother several months ago and she was living in the ICU and the staff nurses were caring for her. We passed hundreds of mothers and children waiting for care and finally reached what was the ICU. In America when you think of ICU, you think gowns, gloves, sanitization, etc…. That is not the case in Sierra Leone, we all walked in and saw about 30-40 babies to children waiting to be treated or being treated. Most of them severly malnourished and dying of starvation. The head nurse introduced us to Alza, she has some mental disorders, sensory issues, still in diapers and was just a very precious child. The Dr. who had traveled with us on this trip proceeded to examine her. She was very healthy but just longed for attention. While the Dr. was examining Alza the rest of the TRS team had a chance to walk around and visit with the mother and children waiting. We offered the mom’s a chance to go outside for some fresh air while we stayed with their child. I sat with a little girl who was probably about 11 months old. Not sure what her diagnosis was, I was just there to provide relief for her mother and comfort to the child. As the mother left the ICU I wondered if she would come back. In Sierra Leone it is very common for a mother to abandon a child at the hospital so it will be cared for. As I sat there holding her crying child all I could do was think of my own children, our hospitals, our society in the US and how extremely BLESSED we are to live in the US where the medical care is superior compared to what I was witnessing.
Eventually the mother did come back and I thanked her for the opportunity to help her daughter. I walked over to Lori who was holding Alza and my heart started to break, Lori asked me if I would like to hold her and I said “Yes, I would love too.” I faced the wall as I held her and imagined this being Emma, she was the same size, age, weight and everything that my little Emma was. I began to weep, wondering if her mother cared about her, where was she going to grow up; will she receive the medical attention that she so desperately needed??? All these questions came flooding thru my brain and all I could do was love and nurture her. Again, I was being used as God’s hands and feet to comfort his little girl. My sister in Christ. Alza and I sat in that ICU for probably an hour and I rocked her to sleep on my chest. We then needed to leave to visit the lower portion of the children’s hospital we had originally intended on giving the care packets to. I said goodbye to Alza, wondering if I would ever see her again?
We walked into the lower unit of the hospital back to where we had originally came in at with care bags of bread, peanut butter, money and water. Erica asked me if I would sit with a little boy that was an orphan that the nurses were also caring for. Of course, I agreed. As I fought back the tears and tried to muscle up the strength to feed this child I was supposed to be the one ministering to the mothers and babies in this unit but instead a little boy who was probably 3-4 yrs old, weighed only about 15 lbs who said no words and was too weak to even sit up ministered to me just through his eyes. I lifted him from his bed so he could drink and eat a little. He sat there propped up against my hand and I slowly gave him bread with peanut butter and small sips of the water. After about 30 mins of this he started to perk up a little, he started pointing at the water when he wanted a drink and the bread when he wanted to eat. It was amazing to help a starving child just do the simple things we take for granite of eating and drinking.
I cried more tears today than I have my entire life, ask the women on our team. I was an emotional mess after that hospital visit. Words cannot describe what it’s like to be in a hospital that doesn’t have the resources to treat the children there. The nurse in the ICU explained that one child in 30 days will leave the ICU alive. This is a daggering statistic that we need to change. Here are some pictures of the hospital visit.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
God’s hands and feet
My journey to Sierra Leone, Africa was amazing, heartbreaking, gut renching, and so much more that words can even describe. The 7 days we spend in the country was very busy with limited internet connection. God really showed us his favor multiple times while we were there. It is so neat to be God’s hands and feet in a world that truly needs the love of Jesus.
We arrived late Tuesday night to Freetown International Airport in Sierra Leone. The airport was very small and didn’t have a terminal to pull into, it’s was actually pretty cool to have a ramp pulled up to this gigantic plane and walk off the plane and smell Africa! After not sleeping for about 32 hours straight at this point I was running on pure adrenaline. We had 32 bags of luggage with donations and supplies for the Orphanage to get off the baggage belt and amazingly enough all 32 bags were accounted for with nothing missing.
We ended up getting settled in the guest house we were staying at and went to a little place called Alex’s to eat our first meal in Africa. It was really neat, an outside place right of the coast with dinner by candlelight and entertainment by a guy in the ocean eating fire.
The next day, Wednesday I had probably gotten 4 hours of sleep and my alarm goes off and I shot out of bed, why you ask?? Because today was the day I get to meet Kevin, today is the day I had been in anticipation for 7 months. Words cannot even express my feelings that day, all I could do was cry and cry and cry some more. I don’t think I have cried that much in my entire life. We get into the vehicles and trek our way up the mountain to the Orphanage that we can see on the Mountainside but seems like so far away. The roads are an experience. The people, the culture, their way of life are so different from ours. I learned a lot on this trip about other people and how God truly loves you no matter your race, color, nationality, living conditions, etc….. I knew all this beforehand but seeing it in action really is breathtaking. We arrive at the Center and are surrounded and greeted by all 79 kids and all the workers, they have prepared a welcome ceremony for us.
I am video taping, camera taking and searching for Kevin all at the same time. One of our ladies notice I can’t find Kevin and see’s my worry on my face and asks one of the caregivers to take me to him. The caregiver explains to me that he is sleeping. I said to her, “don’t wake him, I just want to see him.” Well she proceeds to run up the 3 flights of stairs ahead of me and wakes him, I hear him crying but can not see him yet. Finally around the corner and we meet. Yes I am bawling my eyes out at this point The caregiver hands him to me and he immediately lays his head on my shoulder and stops crying!! This was a moment I had prayed about for months. The caregiver asks me in her broken English, “You cry happy tears?” I say, “Oh yes, these are very very happy tears!”
This day was by far one of the best days of my life, seeing how happy each and every one of the children in the Center was so happy there. It was a harsh reality that the rest of the children in Sierra Leone don’t have a great place to live or maybe not even a place to live at all. We are truly blessed in America, my words can’t even begin to express how blessed we are. This trip has changed the way I think about life, material items, vacations, my family, and everything I do. Yes I was excited to finally meet Kevin and to be honest that was really my only reason for going on this trip, but once again God had other plans, he really showed me what it means to be his hands and feet.
The next couple of days, I will post blogs and pictures of our trip to the children's hospital, beach day, and much more.
We arrived late Tuesday night to Freetown International Airport in Sierra Leone. The airport was very small and didn’t have a terminal to pull into, it’s was actually pretty cool to have a ramp pulled up to this gigantic plane and walk off the plane and smell Africa! After not sleeping for about 32 hours straight at this point I was running on pure adrenaline. We had 32 bags of luggage with donations and supplies for the Orphanage to get off the baggage belt and amazingly enough all 32 bags were accounted for with nothing missing.
We ended up getting settled in the guest house we were staying at and went to a little place called Alex’s to eat our first meal in Africa. It was really neat, an outside place right of the coast with dinner by candlelight and entertainment by a guy in the ocean eating fire.
The next day, Wednesday I had probably gotten 4 hours of sleep and my alarm goes off and I shot out of bed, why you ask?? Because today was the day I get to meet Kevin, today is the day I had been in anticipation for 7 months. Words cannot even express my feelings that day, all I could do was cry and cry and cry some more. I don’t think I have cried that much in my entire life. We get into the vehicles and trek our way up the mountain to the Orphanage that we can see on the Mountainside but seems like so far away. The roads are an experience. The people, the culture, their way of life are so different from ours. I learned a lot on this trip about other people and how God truly loves you no matter your race, color, nationality, living conditions, etc….. I knew all this beforehand but seeing it in action really is breathtaking. We arrive at the Center and are surrounded and greeted by all 79 kids and all the workers, they have prepared a welcome ceremony for us.
I am video taping, camera taking and searching for Kevin all at the same time. One of our ladies notice I can’t find Kevin and see’s my worry on my face and asks one of the caregivers to take me to him. The caregiver explains to me that he is sleeping. I said to her, “don’t wake him, I just want to see him.” Well she proceeds to run up the 3 flights of stairs ahead of me and wakes him, I hear him crying but can not see him yet. Finally around the corner and we meet. Yes I am bawling my eyes out at this point The caregiver hands him to me and he immediately lays his head on my shoulder and stops crying!! This was a moment I had prayed about for months. The caregiver asks me in her broken English, “You cry happy tears?” I say, “Oh yes, these are very very happy tears!”
This day was by far one of the best days of my life, seeing how happy each and every one of the children in the Center was so happy there. It was a harsh reality that the rest of the children in Sierra Leone don’t have a great place to live or maybe not even a place to live at all. We are truly blessed in America, my words can’t even begin to express how blessed we are. This trip has changed the way I think about life, material items, vacations, my family, and everything I do. Yes I was excited to finally meet Kevin and to be honest that was really my only reason for going on this trip, but once again God had other plans, he really showed me what it means to be his hands and feet.
The next couple of days, I will post blogs and pictures of our trip to the children's hospital, beach day, and much more.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Home sweet home!
Yes, I made it home sweet home but I left a piece of my heart in Africa. I just cant stop thinking about it, what the kids at the center are doing, how the kids in the hospital that we visited are, etc..... I guess once God has put something in your heart it will always be there :) I am going to start on Monday posting my daily journal that I wrote in while in Sierra Leone. The internet connection was so shakey there I didn't get to post everything I wanted to post so I thought I would just start from day one this monday after I have had the weekend the collect my thoughts and words. I will say this trip has changed my life, the way I think, live and do everything. I have so many stories to share. Check back monday for day 1 and some pictures!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Church in Africa!
Well, we went to Ossah and Quami's (the country director's here) church today. Oh my goodness, I loved it. From the music, speaking, the women's outfits. Oh it was a very neat experience, all except I could have done without the heat :) Well these past couple of days have been really life changing for me. God has shown me soooo much while here. We live such a Blessed life! Seriously, we are the richest people in the world and take it for granite everyday. Being in a 3rd world country will definately change your life forever. We have seen dying children, starving children, one bedroom shacks with no electricity, running water or anything but a mattress on the ground. It truely is amazing how much resources they utilize here. Almost all the people here are entrepueners(sp, sorry its late). They all sell stuff on the side of the roads and make a living 24/7 by doing so. The ladies here all carry heavy loads on there heads!! Crazy but very effective because they will normally have a child on there back as well.
God has shown me alot these past couple of days and I will have many stories to tell when I get home. I think the most compassionate story is on Thursday we went to the Children's hospital. I got to sit with 2 orphaned children who's mothers had abandonded them. One little girl was about Emma's age and has some sensorary issues. She was precious, and her and I had the chance to bond and love one another for about an hour (I will post pics when I get home, my camera is not working right). Her mother abandoned her at the hospital and the nurses have been caring for her. Another little boy that I got to sit and help with was about 3-4 yrs old, he probably only weighed 15 lbs max. He was severely malnourshed and starving. His father adbandoned him in his home. Locked him in a room and the police found him. I sat with him for a while and feed him water and peanut butter and bread. By the end of the food he was starting to act like a child again. At the beginnging of me sitting down next to him he was very weak and unresponsive to you but after his little tummy was full he was trying to talk and pointing at things. It was such a neat experience to be able to provide for this child and be able to use my God given abilities to serve others.
I think everyone should consider going on this trip. God will show you things you never even dreamed of. I will leave Africa with a part of my heart here, it's going to be very hard to say goodbye to Kevin. We have really bonded these past couple of days. All the people here are so kind. I am really going to miss this place.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Saturday fun!
Today was spent most of the day at the Orphanage! We had a blast today. Got to let the kids all open there gifts from their sponsors today. It was really neat to watch the kids light up when receiving a gift. Some of these kids have never seen a toy car, coloring book, pictures and other miscellanous items that we use or play with on a daily basis. The kids also received a teddy bear with a bracelet with their name on it. Check out my facebook for more pictures.
Friday, May 21, 2010
(Sorry it has taken me so long to get blog and pictures up, the internet here is not reliable at all.)
These past couple days have been filled with emotions of happy, sadness, crying, and many many happy and sad tears! The Covering is truely the best orphanage in Sierra Leone and I am so honored that God choose Kevin to be at The Covering. Our first day we arrived at 6 pm and spent the evening getting settled in. Wednesday was our first full day here and we got up and headed to The Covering. I can't tell you how excited I was for this day! I met Kevin and he immediately bonded with me. He had just woken up from his nap and the caregiver brought him to me. He laid his head on my shoulder and just laid there for about an hour. Oh yes the tears of happiness were flowing. He is truely an amazing child. I prayed for months when I met him that he would connect and God provided is so faithful.
I think the internet is going down so really quick, yesterday was the hardest day of my life. We watched hundreds of dying children. check out
Check out my facebook for pictures. They will not load on my blog.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
We are here, Finally in Freetown!
Well we made it last night into Freetown, Sierra Leone around 6pm. This is the most amazing country. We arrived with the pressence of God around us. His hand has completely been with us from a plane generator problem, baggage, hotel, EVERYTHING!!! Everything has gone so smoothly for us!! Praise the LORD!! One major prayer request: the hotel we had booked was not anything we were promised so we had to relocate to a seperate hotel which is almost double the price. We are currently trying to find a new hotel, guest house or something or this hotel would match the other hotel's price! Please pray for God's direction. We are about 20 mins away from leaving the hotel and going to The Covering!! I can't believe I will be meeting our son for the first time!! Well gotta go, we will try and post pictures soon.
Love you all,
Love you all,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Today is the day!!
Today is the day that I have been preparing, fundraising and dreaming of for 5 long months!! Today is the day!! I can't believe it here. Our plane leave Springfield at 11:45am and will arrive in Chicago at approximately 1:15pm we will leave Chicago for Brussels, Belgium around 4:15pm and get to Brussels tomorrow morning around 8am and then finally on to Sierra Leone where we will arrive at 6pm Tuesday night. Sierra Leone is 6 hours ahead of U.S. time.
This week I will try and post as many pictures and daily blogs as possible depending on internet and electricity connection.
Yesterday, Robin rode the train in and surprised the kids. They were shocked and so excited to see her. I could not have asked for a better person to be helping Rich with the kids. Please pray for her strength as watching our munckins in not an easy load some days. Oh how I am going to miss them and Richie!
Wednesday is the official 1st day we will be spending at the Orphanage and will be my first time meeting Little Kevin. Check back tomorrow night (hopefully) I will have my first post in Africa! God Bless and thanks for all the prayers and support thru this amazing journey!!
This week I will try and post as many pictures and daily blogs as possible depending on internet and electricity connection.
Yesterday, Robin rode the train in and surprised the kids. They were shocked and so excited to see her. I could not have asked for a better person to be helping Rich with the kids. Please pray for her strength as watching our munckins in not an easy load some days. Oh how I am going to miss them and Richie!
Wednesday is the official 1st day we will be spending at the Orphanage and will be my first time meeting Little Kevin. Check back tomorrow night (hopefully) I will have my first post in Africa! God Bless and thanks for all the prayers and support thru this amazing journey!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Lord has blessed us with such a wonderful day today! I spent all day with my hubby and kids. We just enjoyed one another, went to a great friends bday party, watched a movie, went to Steak n Shake for dinner, had fun at putt putt and go carts. I am going to miss them terribly while I'm gone :(
While doing my devotions today, God really lead me to a wonderful passage I felt like sharing. I have been facing a bit of fear and anxiety about this trip just because I have never been away from Rich for 9 days and never left the US without my kids or hubby. In Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice! Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The lord is at hand; do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the PEACE of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!
I just felt like sharing this with everyone! It really helped me get a focus on exactly what our journey to Africa is for and to be used as a tool by God, to not be Anxious for tomorrow but to rejoice in this day the Lord has blessed us with!!
While doing my devotions today, God really lead me to a wonderful passage I felt like sharing. I have been facing a bit of fear and anxiety about this trip just because I have never been away from Rich for 9 days and never left the US without my kids or hubby. In Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice! Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The lord is at hand; do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the PEACE of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!
I just felt like sharing this with everyone! It really helped me get a focus on exactly what our journey to Africa is for and to be used as a tool by God, to not be Anxious for tomorrow but to rejoice in this day the Lord has blessed us with!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
3 Days!!
Well we are down to 3 days! Can't believe it. Jessie, one of the team members is already there in full swing and posted some pictures today (one is of Kevin :)Check it out
This morning our team has spent it fasting for the trip. Please be in prayer along with us over the next 2 weeks for the following prayer requests: 1) Travel Safety, 2)No sickness while in country 3) Our safety 4)God would each each and everyone of us women for the purpose he has for us while we are there 5)That ALL our luggage gets to the final destination safely and in one piece 6)For my migraines (I have not been having them as regular as they normally came 3 times a week PTL but I get them in hot weather conditions so It's definately HOT in africa 7)For all 82 of the children at the covering and all the caregivers. I think that is it for now I'm sure I missed something but please feel free to pray specifically for one item or all. Thank you!!
Me and the kids have just been enjoying these past couple of days. I cleaned the house on monday and did all the laundry, and packed. So I could spend the remainder of the week with them. Be sure to follow my blog while I am in Africa!!!
This morning our team has spent it fasting for the trip. Please be in prayer along with us over the next 2 weeks for the following prayer requests: 1) Travel Safety, 2)No sickness while in country 3) Our safety 4)God would each each and everyone of us women for the purpose he has for us while we are there 5)That ALL our luggage gets to the final destination safely and in one piece 6)For my migraines (I have not been having them as regular as they normally came 3 times a week PTL but I get them in hot weather conditions so It's definately HOT in africa 7)For all 82 of the children at the covering and all the caregivers. I think that is it for now I'm sure I missed something but please feel free to pray specifically for one item or all. Thank you!!
Me and the kids have just been enjoying these past couple of days. I cleaned the house on monday and did all the laundry, and packed. So I could spend the remainder of the week with them. Be sure to follow my blog while I am in Africa!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Words of wisdom!
Wow, these past couple of days and nights have been crazy busy. I am not sleeping well already, I went to bed around 3:30 am this morning. My mind is racing in a million different miles BUT it constantly reminds me to stop, pray and listen. This whole journey for our family is consisted around that. God has been blessing us in every aspect of our life lately and I can't tell you how good it feels to be in the Lord's will.
Today, I enjoyed volunteering at the preschool at church the kids attend on Wednesdays. I got to be in Emma's class and love on her all day.
This afternoon was rather neat. Another example of how God can use the smallest things in life, today he used a water purifier. Yes I said a water purifier LOL. We have had this water purifier on craigslist for a couple of months now and really needed it to sell so I could take the $$ with me to Africa. Well of course God is always right on time. I had a guy call me yesterday and wanted to come look at it tonight. So he came and he got to talking with Rich and I. He just had brain surgery to remove a tumor, has chrones disease, and had back surgery at age 17. Basically he is a walking miracle from God. He was such an inspiration to us and actually gave us more than our asking price just "because he felt like God was telling him too". We then proceeded to tell him what his money was going towards and he said "that's awesome, I am so happy to be a part of your journey to africa." So amazing how we can bless others with a simple reverse osmosis water purifier he is using to make his water cleaner and how he blessed us not only financially but with his good spirit and thankfulness to God for his life. He lives life to the fullest! A good little reminder to live your life that God has planned for you to the fullest!
Well we are down to 4 days! Can't believe it's almost here. It seems like yesterday (September) we began sponsoring Little Kevin in the orphanage. Now in 6 days I will get to meet the little guy!
Today, I enjoyed volunteering at the preschool at church the kids attend on Wednesdays. I got to be in Emma's class and love on her all day.
This afternoon was rather neat. Another example of how God can use the smallest things in life, today he used a water purifier. Yes I said a water purifier LOL. We have had this water purifier on craigslist for a couple of months now and really needed it to sell so I could take the $$ with me to Africa. Well of course God is always right on time. I had a guy call me yesterday and wanted to come look at it tonight. So he came and he got to talking with Rich and I. He just had brain surgery to remove a tumor, has chrones disease, and had back surgery at age 17. Basically he is a walking miracle from God. He was such an inspiration to us and actually gave us more than our asking price just "because he felt like God was telling him too". We then proceeded to tell him what his money was going towards and he said "that's awesome, I am so happy to be a part of your journey to africa." So amazing how we can bless others with a simple reverse osmosis water purifier he is using to make his water cleaner and how he blessed us not only financially but with his good spirit and thankfulness to God for his life. He lives life to the fullest! A good little reminder to live your life that God has planned for you to the fullest!
Well we are down to 4 days! Can't believe it's almost here. It seems like yesterday (September) we began sponsoring Little Kevin in the orphanage. Now in 6 days I will get to meet the little guy!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
5 Days!
Wow, the days are going by very slowly, which is a good thing so I can spend as much time with our kiddos as possible but the anxiety is killing me. I am so ready to go and be used by God however he sees to use me while in Sierra Leone. This trip is going to be amazing, I can just feel it. I have been having some anxiety about the flight over there and back. So if you could please remember to pray for me for the flight and for my family as they have 9 days without mommy here. This is a bittersweet trip because I am so excited to go and be used by God, but Man oh Man I am really going to miss my kids and hubby.
Now, onto some other news. As our TRS team was packing last night we received word that we can each only bring one checked bag and we had packed and planned on 2. Everything we have packed is essential items like: tents, diapers, wipes, clothing, medicine etc.... Each bag costs $50 and we are over by 12 bags. Would you consider sponsoring a bag to Africa or helping with what you can?
That's all for now.
Now, onto some other news. As our TRS team was packing last night we received word that we can each only bring one checked bag and we had packed and planned on 2. Everything we have packed is essential items like: tents, diapers, wipes, clothing, medicine etc.... Each bag costs $50 and we are over by 12 bags. Would you consider sponsoring a bag to Africa or helping with what you can?
That's all for now.
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